Fixed Fees
Court papers all routes. This is the fee we charge for preparing which means producing the court bundles for your claim. These are meticulously produced and checked over and over again. You are given clear instructions and there is a yellow 'sign here' tab where all signatures are required and we welcome a phone call if there are any questions before you post them off to the court. There is also a printed sticky label with the court address and envelope. This is designed to be really easy for you to be able to make this claim either for the accelerated possession route (section 21) or standard route (section 8). The court fee is currently £355.00 which you pay with the court papers by cheque or postal order made out to HMCTS.
As with the section 8 route and Section 21 route we are here for you until you get your property back and the warrant for land paperwork is and always has been free. You send the order we send you the warrant. The court fee is £130.00
For the section 8 route we can help you if you are confident enough to handle the 5 minute hearing, we can arm you with the rules and trust me, we won't let you off the phone until we think you know what you are talking about. Or we can arrange for a solicitor to attend with you. We refer you to them and you pay them their fee which is currently £250.00 plus VAT. It is the most widely used panel used by most eviction firms. We don't need to do this until we are further down the track. If your tenant leaves meanwhile you will have gained in not having to pay all of the fees up front like other eviction firms.
Court papers our fee all routes £475.00 (Pay the court fee with the court papers £355.00)
Serving a section 21 notice to an ENGLAND address includes the serving of documents which need to be served prior to serving the notice. These are the EPC, the Latest How to rent guide, and the gas safety certificate in force at the start of the tenancy and latest gas safety certificate. Also the deposit prescribed information if not done already. We aim to have no hearing, just a possession order arrive in the post. This result is achieved by having a great paper trial for these documents. The courts have an obligation to administer the claim ensuring that if the process was not done by experts (this would be us) they will try their very best to fail it.
Section 21 £95.00
The Section 8 notice is £75.00
Compliant rent schedule. If the reader (the judge) cannot understand the rent schedule because it contains unnecessary information or is confusing it can have a negative impact at the hearing. We expect most landlords and agents can provide this in this format.
Date rent due Amount due Amount paid Arrears.
01/01/2019 £900.00 £0.00 £900.00
Sometimes these can be long and messy to configure. The importance of the compliant schedule cannot be over stressed and we include a straightforward schedule in the £75.00 fee based on the information given to us. If you do not or cannot produce the information easily and instead we need to decipher the figures off the butt of a dead donkey to use an extreme example, we will produce one for you for a fee of £45.00
Compliant rent schedule £45.00