We help landlords with tenant eviction in the accelerated Possession and section 8 Claims.
Serve section 21 notices and Section 8 Notices.
Fix deposit and deregulation act issues prior to serving the notice.
Please visit our trust pilot.
We help landlords with bad tenants.
The growth in draconian rules have become an inhibiting factor for any one venturing toward enforcing a section 21 notice without a comprehensive understanding of the rules.
The Localism Act, The Deregulation Act, the tenancy deposit rules, all contribute to the ease with which the court can dismiss a case.
Yet key is the fact that this is a rule based process, and in knowing, understanding and implementing the rules is exactly the knowledge and skill required to achieve a one hundred per cent possession order success rate.
Come and join the thousands of landlords and agents who have been part of many years of successfully getting your house back.
We are not solicitor's which means we will actually talk and engage with you at the fixed fee.
Eddie Morgan the founder who began assisting landlords and agents 18 years ago having seen a certain bunch on telly and thought, not only can I do that but do a better job, is now retired. The better job was based on the fact that the business model for them was do a section 8 notice and pass it on, ours was to take you all the way down the track using section 21. Because section 21 was a gift and section 8 an opportunity for the tenant to counter claim. Why would you want that? A lot of learning and masses of success has been enjoyed along the way and Eddie is not putting his feet up. He is remaining as a consultant for difficult cases. Because above all else, Eddie likes to win. Clare will do exactly for you what Eddie would do and stay in the background as said.
Do not hesitate to give Clare a call because you remain in very safe hands.
P.S. We are and will always be fully up to speed with the current new betrayal by the government to remove the reason why there is a private sector.
Sucking up to shelter, not a housing reallocation bunch as the name suggests but a legal firm with charitable status supporting tenants and in bed with the government.